are you navigating a new season of your life?

If you’re navigating change, struggling with decision fatigue, feeling overwhelmed, and wishing you could figure out how to get unstuck, you’re in the right place!

Maybe you’re going through a big transition.

A job change. A recent move. Relationship challenges. An empty nest.

Or maybe you’re experiencing smaller changes.

The desire to start something new. Lean into possibilities. Embrace adventure.

I’m Sarah Takehara, owner of New Seasons Life Coaching.

As a Personal Growth & Mindset Coach, I guide you through new seasons of life with clarity and purpose.

how does Life Coaching work?

Our coaching partnership is completely centered on YOU, the client.

Together, we identify limiting beliefs and ingrained habits that are keeping you stuck. We target specific obstacles that you are facing and develop strategies to navigate through fear. Utilizing personal growth techniques and targeted mindset shifts, you are empowered to reach your goals and realize your greatest potential.

We look at the big picture of your life and create an intentional action plan, allowing you to transition to new seasons of life with clarity and purpose.

Sounds pretty incredible, right?

Learn about the coaching services offered through New Seasons Life Coaching!

The best way to decide if coaching is right for you is for us to have a consultation call. During this 30-minute complimentary call, we’ll chat about what you’re hoping to receive from coaching and discuss the services I offer. There’s never any pressure or obligation, just a great way for us to connect and see if coaching is right for you!


“Sarah really helped me deal with some challenging situations that I was facing. She listened deeply and offered helpful insights that allowed me the opportunity to see a solution. She knew exactly what to say to reassure me and I am so grateful for her ability to communicate, support, and empower me.”

- Sydney D.


“Sarah was a valuable guide who helped me take an overarching theme and put my words into action.  She was a thoughtful listener and made me feel comfortable every step of the way. Before our session, she sent me an email with a thorough introduction to coaching and explained how the process would work. During our time together, I did not feel rushed as she asked questions that helped me clarify where I wanted to go and how I would get there. After the session, the roadmap came which was like the icing on the cake! Afterward, she provided me with a detailed summary of our session with an action plan.  I would highly recommend the process of coaching with Sarah - she is a great Coach!

- Tammy S.